1 Peter chapter 2 and 3 Bible Study Notes
As we continue to study through 1 Peter, keep in mind the fact that we are New Creations in Christ Jesus, we are in this world but we are no longer of this world. We have been delivered out of the dominion or control of the kingdom of darkness, which governs the ways of this world, and we have been brought into and are under new management, we are now citizens of heaven, children of the Living God. Read 1 Peter chapter 2. Peter gives us clear instructions to get rid of all evil behavior and to crave the pure spiritual milk of the word. Remember, the reason he gives, is not to be religious but because he is still referring to Chapter 1 v 23 – “For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.” Therefore, we cannot afford to judge anything from a worldly point of view, which will soon pass away but we are now looking forward to eternity with ou...