
Growing in Grace

Sitting down to pray this morning - a frosty start but the sun is shining, the golden leaves shimmering  - Autumn is slowly turning to Winter - But still a lovely time of year.  Each season has it's own beauty if we have eyes to see it.   Just like our lives, it is season by season, we are never standing still but always changing.  This morning I began to read over my notes from 2017, and I realised that I was saying and writing basically the same words that I am still writing - BUT - as I read them I can see that my understanding and perspective towards these words have changed.  Before  I was writing down the promises of God that I had found - and I was choosing to believe them because they were God's Word. BUT now I can see the growth and deeper understanding that has happened in me - I can see that these are not just words written on a page but they have become one with and in me.  I have grown to know not just believe these truths.  I ca...

Come as you are

If you prefer to listen click here -   Parable of the Great Feast - Matthew 22.v 1 - 14 Jesus also told them other parables. He said,   “The Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a king who prepared a great wedding feast for his son.   When the banquet was ready, he sent his servants to notify those who were invited. But they all refused to come!   “So he sent other servants to tell them, ‘The feast has been prepared. The bulls and fattened cattle have been killed, and everything is ready. Come to the banquet!’   But the guests he had invited ignored them and went their own way, one to his farm, another to his business.   Others seized his messengers and insulted them and killed them.  “The king was furious, and he sent out his army to destroy the murderers and burn their town.   And he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, and the guests I invited aren’t worthy of the honor.   No...


  15 – 12 – 21 Audrey. There is an anointing for ministry that comes through the laying on of hands.  Because it is a point of contact and an act of faith.  But many have not understood that when you put your hands on someone you touch their ‘personal space’ therefore you need the legal authority of heaven and the permission of the person to lay hands on anyone.  That legal authority comes from my kingdom and my Word alone.  Without your personal contact with me – which is living holy and in my presence through Grace and Truth and allowing my Word to dwell in you.  You cannot be a ‘fit vessel’ or ‘Legal vessel’ for miracle power.  The miracle is NOT released by laying on of hands the miracle is released by the faith in the one who is living in you.  When your hands become my hands, then and only then can true unlimited healing power flow to others.  A power that cannot be denied.   Many times, people say they feel a warmth or fire, but...

1 Peter chapter 2 and 3 Bible Study Notes

  As we continue to study through 1 Peter, keep in mind the fact that we are New Creations in Christ Jesus, we are in this world but we are no longer of this world.   We have been delivered out of the dominion or control of the kingdom of darkness, which governs the ways of this world, and we have been brought into and are under new management, we are now citizens of heaven, children of the Living God. Read 1 Peter chapter 2. Peter gives us clear instructions to get rid of all evil behavior and to crave the pure spiritual milk of the word.   Remember, the reason he gives, is not to be religious but because he is still referring to Chapter 1 v 23 – “For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end.   Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.”   Therefore, we cannot afford to judge anything from a worldly point of view, which will soon pass away but we are now looking forward to eternity with ou...

1 Peter 1 - Bible Study Notes

  Bible Study Notes  -  Introduction to 1 Peter chapter 1. Peter is a very good witness.   We could call him a legal witness.   He was with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry, and Peter is considered to have been in Jesus’ inner circle. Yet,   He denied Jesus, he knew what is was to be broken and then restored.   He walked on the water with Jesus.   He was also at the mount of transfiguration, where he saw a glimpse of Glory.   Peter witnessed the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.   He saw the empty tomb with his own eyes.   He preached the first message on the day of Pentecost. John 21 v 18-19 – Jesus restored Peter after his denial and gave him the commandment to ‘Feed my Sheep”. 1 Peter is thought to have been written about 35 years after the ascension. 1 Peter mainly addresses the contrast of suffering and glory in a believers’ life.   The main focus being to encourage Christians not to give ...

Faithfulness - Bible Study Notes

Faithfulness Read Ezra Chapter 9 and 10 As we finish looking at the book of Ezra in chapter 9 and 10, we see the importance of Intercession and Wisdom. These 2 things are what are necessary in every generation:- 1 - Intercession - for the people and for repentance. 2 - Wisdom - bringing a divine solution. Joshua 22 v 16 – Asks   “How could you turn away from the Lord”? After everything God had done for these exiles who had returned to their own land, Ezra was shocked and utterly appalled to hear that the people had not kept themselves separated from the other nations, but had actually intermarried and brought other gods and customs into Israel. Ezra wept bitterly before the Lord and made intercession for the people, laying hold on the covenant God had made, until he had received the plan of deliverance and God's divine solution for his generation.  The people responded, it took time but they obeyed.  (Throughout the bible we see that God's plan was revealed in...

Grace for Divine Protection - Bible Study notes

  Grace for Divine Protection Continuing our Bible Study from the Book of Ezra. Chapter 8 tells us about the exiles who returned to Jerusalem with Ezra and their journey. Before Ezra and the rest of the exiles began their journey back to Jerusalem, it is interesting in verse 15, that 'not one Levite had volunteered to come along".  verse 17, Ezra asked "send us ministers for the Temple of God at Jerusalem. I am reminded of what Jesus said in Luke 10 v 2 "The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." I believe this is the same instruction for every generation.  Pray to the Lord “SEND more workers”!   In every generation, there must be those who are SENT.   Not just those who have a vision, a message, or a calling but those who are SENT out from God's presence, those who are filled with his Word and his Spirit, those who have been SENT t...