1 Peter 1 - Bible Study Notes
Bible Study Notes -
Introduction to 1 Peter chapter 1.
Peter is a very good witness. We could call him a legal witness. He was with Jesus from the beginning of his
ministry, and Peter is considered to have been in Jesus’ inner circle. Yet, He denied Jesus, he knew what is was to be
broken and then restored. He walked on
the water with Jesus. He was also at the
mount of transfiguration, where he saw a glimpse of Glory. Peter witnessed the death, burial, resurrection
and ascension of Jesus. He saw the empty
tomb with his own eyes. He preached the
first message on the day of Pentecost.
John 21 v 18-19 – Jesus restored Peter after his
denial and gave him the commandment to ‘Feed my Sheep”.
1 Peter is thought to have been written about 35 years
after the ascension.
1 Peter mainly addresses the contrast of suffering and
glory in a believers’ life. The main
focus being to encourage Christians not to give up and to remember that this
world is not our home. Peter wants
Christians to grow in God and to know and experience the Grace of God.
Peter was a fisherman, so was very practical and real
in his writings. His message, helps us
to focus on living like Jesus Christ WHILE looking forward to sharing eternity
in his glory.
Like the old
hymn which says “This World is NOT my home, I’m just a passing through”.
Before reading 1 Peter chapter 1, meditate on these
John 15 v 19 John
18 v 36 John 17 v 14 1 John 2 v 15-17
John 8 v 23 Philippians
3 v 20-21 Proverbs 23 v 17
1 Peter chapter 1 verse 1 – This letter is addressed
to God’s people, who were scattered in different areas. They were living as foreigners in different
places. We can put our names and towns
in this verse today. We are living in
this world, but we are like foreigners in a strange land. We belong to the Kingdom of God, and while we
are here on this earth, we are to represent His name in all that we are and do.
Verses 3 – 12 – Tells of the Hope of Eternal Life.
We have an inheritance and a great expectation, in
Christ Jesus, which can strengthen and carry us through every trial of
life. We must never, allow our focus to
fall unto the trials of life, but our aim is to keep our eyes firmly fixed upon
Jesus Christ. It is because He lives,
that we live also.
Read 2 Corinthians 4 v 16-18 Hebrews 10 v 23 Romans
12 v 12
Romans 15 v 13 Hebrews
11 v 1
2 Thessalonians 2 v 16-17 Romans 5 v 1-5
Like Faith comes from hearing the Word of God, and the
Message of Jesus Christ, so HOPE also comes to us. Hope is wrapped up in believing God.
Many times when we go through a trial, we can still
firmly believe in God, but we can easily begin to feel ‘hope’ fading. It can
be a very dangerous place, to be where we begin to lose ‘hope’. There is a strength that comes from
continually hearing the Word of God, that keeps our faith AND hope strong. Peter understood this, remember when he walked
on the water, how he looked around at the wind and the waves and began to
sink? But Jesus had not moved, he was
still there and took Peter by the hand and brought him safely into the boat and
to the shore. No matter what storms of
life we find ourselves in, Jesus is there with us.
A righteous person, is not one who never fails or
falls – BUT – is one who will turn their attention back to Jesus every time, knowing that it is by His Grace alone that we can stand in his presence.
1 Peter 1 verses 13 – 25 – Is a Call to Holy Living
Holy living, is not just an outward appearance, BUT
rather it is the inward working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts which is reflected on our whole being. Again, Holy Living,
like Faith and Hope – comes to us – by hearing the Word of God. Just like, we cannot create Godly faith or
Hope from our own strength, so we cannot make ourselves Holy.
Holy is really, being ‘one’ with God. Set apart from this world and joined wholeheartedly
to our God and King. Being consumed with a desire to please our God.
As you read through this chapter, see how Peter keeps
reminding us that it is through Christ alone, that we are saved. The Word – alone will endure. As we allow the Word of God to reign in our
hearts we will experience his Faith, Hope and Endurance arising in our lives.
Meditate on verse 23 and allow HIS faith, hope and
endurance to fill your spirit and overflow into your soul, effecting every area
of your life today.
v 23 “For you have been born again, but not to a life
that will quickly end. Your new life
will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.”
There is another old hymn – which says “It will be
worth it all – when we see Jesus”.
We do not have to have all the answers - BUT - we must seek to know the One who does.
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