God's Prescription


God’s Prescription

This is a chapter from my new Book - "Breaking Limitations".  

People have been asking me “what did you do and what scriptures did God give you?”   I am very careful not to make God’s prescription for me something that is for everyone, remember what I needed may not be the same as what you need.  It is very important for you to ask the Holy Spirit for your personal prescription. 

Just as a starting point, or a guide to help you understand more clearly, I will share the scriptures that I meditated on and how and what the Holy Spirit spoke to me.

I like to set a 30-day challenge as I find it helps me to keep focused.  Also, over 30 days of meditating (or medicating as I like to think of it) on the same scriptures, we gain so much more insight and revelation truth.  Most times, people are reading the bible, a little here and a little there, and are not receiving the deep revelation that takes us beyond knowledge and into experience.

I had been asking God for his prescription for me, for healing and strength in my back and this is how he answered me. 

Sunday 3am – 14 August 2022 – I woke with an urgency to pray, I went to the living room and began praying for a family that was going through a difficult time.  When I had finished, I heard, that gentle whisper calling my name and this is what I heard:-

“Audrey, there is a river that flows through a heart that is surrendered to me and out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water – read it”. 

I read John 7 v 38 (AMP)

He who believes in me [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on me], as scripture has said from his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.

I was familiar with this scripture, I had heard it many times before, but this time I saw the condition attached to it.  I saw that yes, Jesus had promised, but this promise was for those who believe in, adheres to, trusts in and relies on him.  My attention was drawn to the previous verse.

John 7 v 37 (AMP)

Jesus called out in a loud voice “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink”.

Once again, this was a scripture I had heard many times, but this time I saw an instruction.  If I am thirsty, then I must come to him and drink.

A scripture came to my mind, “wherever the river flows, everything will flourish” so I turned my bible to Ezekiel 47 v 9.

Then somehow, I found Isaiah 58 v 11

The Lord will always guide you;  He will satisfy you in a sun-scorched land and strengthen your frame.  You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

NOW, He had my full attention, when I read the words “STRENGTHEN YOUR FRAME”.  I felt my heart leap with excitement, and knew I was about to receive my prescription, because this was exactly what I had asked for. 

I listened intently, not wanting to miss anything.

Next I read Isaiah 55 v 1

Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy and eat!  Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

And Isaiah 12 v 3

With joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation.

Then Isaiah 58 v 9-10

Then you will call and the Lord will answer, you will cry for help and he will say here I am.  IF YOU take away from your midst (heart) the yoke (of oppression), the finger pointed in scorn (toward the oppressed or the godly) AND (every form) of wicked sinful, unjust, speech. AND IF you offer yourself to assist the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted.  THEN your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like the midday.

I was challenged once again, and knew in my heart, that if I wanted to help others, I first had to be helped myself.  I knew, that I needed a pure heart.

Then I heard these Words clearly – Read Proverbs 3 in the Amplified.

As I read it, I could feel the light pouring into my heart and I knew the key to my healing and strength is in this chapter.  I just knew at that moment this was my prescription. 

So for the next 30 days, these are the scriptures I prayed, meditated on, wrote out, studied and talked about, 3 times a day.  (Just like you would take a prescription from a doctor).  The Word of God is like a medicine to your flesh.


Psalm 86 v 11

Teach me your way O Lord, that I may walk in your truth.  Give me an undivided heart that I may walk in your truth.

Proverbs 4 v 25

Let your eyes look straight ahead.  Fix your gaze directly before you.

Psalm 56 v 13

For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.

John 3 v 12

I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, BUT will have the light of life.

I prayed.  Father, I belong to you.  You are my master and King.  My body is the temple of your Holy Spirit, reign in me.  Make me a vessel of honour in your house.

Proverbs 3


1.        My son, DO NOT forget my teaching, BUT LET YOUR HEART KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS;

2.       For length of days and years’ worth living and tranquility and prosperity, the wholeness of life’s blessings they will add to you.

3.       DO NOT LET MERCY AND KINDNESS AND TRUTH LEAVE YOU, instead let these qualities define you; Bind them securely around your neck and write them on the tablet of your heart.

4.       So find favour and high esteem in the sight of God and man.

5.       TRUST IN AND RELY CONFIDENTLY on the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6.       IN ALL YOUR WAYS KNOW AND ACKNOWLEDGE and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].



9.       Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your crops (income).

10.   THEN your barns will be abundantly filled and your vats will overflow with new wine.

11.   My son, DO NOT REJECT or take lightly the discipline of the LORD, (learn from your mistakes and the testing that comes from his correction through discipline); nor despise his rebuke.

12.   FOR those whom the LORD LOVES HE CORRECTS, even as a father corrects the SON IN WHOM HE DELIGHTS.

13.   Happy (blessed, considered fortunate, to be admired) is the man who finds (skillful and godly) wisdom.  And the man who gains understanding and insight (learning from God’s Word and life’s experiences.)

14.   For wisdom’s profit is better than the profit of silver, and her gain is better than fine gold.

15.   She is more precious than rubies, and nothing you can wish for compares with her (in value).

16.   Her ways are highways of pleasantness and favour.  And all her paths are peace.

17.   She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy (blessed, considered fortunate, to be admired) is everyone who holds her tightly.

(God is my creator – He knows what is best for me)  vs 19-35)

The LORD by HIS WISDOM HAS FOUNDED THE EARTH;  by his understanding he has established the heavens.  By his knowledge the deeps were broken up and the clouds drip with dew.  My Son, LET THEM NOT ESCAPE FROM YOUR SIGHT BUT KEEP SOUND WISDOM AND DISCRETION.  And THEY WILL BE LIFE TO YOUR SOUL (YOUR INNER SELF) and a gracious adornment to your neck (your outer self).  THEN you will WALK ON YOUR WAY OF LIFE SECURELY AND YOUR FOOT WILL NOT STUMBLE. 

When you lie down, you will not be afraid;  When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.  Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of the storm of the wicked when it comes (since you will be blameless).  FOR THE LORD will be your confidence, firm and strong, and will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.

DO NOT withhold good from those to whom it is due (its rightful recipients), when it is in your power to do it.  DO NOT say to your neighbor “Go and come back, and tomorrow I will give it”, when you have it with you.  DO NOT devise evil against your neighbor, who lives securely beside you.  DO NOT quarrel with a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.  DO NOT envy a man of violence and DO NOT choose any of his ways.  For the devious are repulsive to the LORD;  But his private counsel is with the upright (those with spiritual integrity and moral courage).

The curse of the LORD is on the house of the wicked, but HE BLESSES THE HOME OF THE JUST AND RIGHTEOUS.  Though he scoffs at the scoffers and scorns the scorners, YET HE GIVES HIS GRACE TO THE HUMBLE (those who give up self-importance).  The wise will inherit honour and glory BUT dishonor and shame is conferred on fools.


In this chapter I see 23 clear instructions or commands.  I also find 23 clear rewards.  God wants balance in my life, therefore I will seek to have balance in every area.  Lord help me to walk in the balance of your truth.

These rewards effect every area of life.

v 1. The number of our days (productive or unproductive).

v3.  Character

v4. How God and men see us determines the favour we will experience or lack of help or assistance.

v8.  Health in every part of our body.

v10.  Financial blessing.

v12.  Sonship – relationship with God.

v22.  Soul – our relationship with ourselves.

v 27-31.  Our relationship with others.

v 32.  Intimacy with God.

v 33.  Home – family blessing or curse.



I have typed just what I had written highlighting what really spoke to me personally.  As you read through these scriptures, different words may stand out to you. 

Verse 7 and 8 is the 2 scriptures that really stood out to me.  I fixed my focus on verse 7 to put that into action in my life (with the help of the Holy Spirit) and then prayed verse 8 over my body. 



Father, I pray for the person reading these words, and I thank you and praise you that you created them and you know exactly what they need.  I ask you to reveal your truth to them in a way that they will know it is you and minister deep into their soul, that they may experience you’re healing and peace from the inside out.  You are the great physician and you love them with an everlasting love.  You know them by name, and you have provided everything they require through Jesus Christ.  Lead them into greater light and truth by your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen.   


Breaking Free from the Spirit of Heaviness www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08NM5GFKW

Pillars of Fire  www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08P3VDYRC


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