He Restores My Soul


He Restores my Soul

Psalm 23 v 3  - He restoreth my soul;  he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake.

When Jesus came to the earth to die on the cross, he came to save us from the sinful fallen nature of mankind - every one is born into this world spiritually dead, that is, cut of and separated from the Father of Creation because of sin.    

Praise God, that he sent his only begotten Son, who became the Lamb of God to take our place on the cross, to pay the price of punishment for our sinful nature so that we could be adopted into his family and become the children of God.  

Our Spirits were dead in sin, but once we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our Spirits were Born Again - that is made alive, connected again to God, the giver of all life.  

It is so important to realise and know that our Spirits were not healed - but made alive - Born Again - and therefore they are perfect before the Father because of Jesus.  We are then called the children of God, adopted into his family.  By the Blood of Jesus we are made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, Heirs with God and Joint Heirs with the Son.  

Included in the cost of our Salvation was every blessing of provision and healing.  

The question is often asked, "Why, is someone who is Born Again Sick, why do they suffer etc".  The answer can be found in Psalm 103.  

We must know the difference between our 'Spirit' and our 'Soul'.  Our Spirit is Born Again and complete and whole in Jesus.  Our Soul is our will, our mind, our self, our desires, our passions, our emotions, our heart. 

It is our 'Soul' that gets deeply wounded and hurt.  It is our 'Soul' that needs healing.  Praise God - Jesus is called the 'Healer of the Broken Hearted'  meaning that Jesus is the Healer and the Restorer of our Soul.  

Many times the medical profession is trying to treat the outer physical body, but never addressing the wounded 'Soul' or 'Heart'.  That is why there are times doctors cannot find the cause or reason for the sickness or pain in our bodies. 

True healing flows from the inside out - not the outside in. 

Medication can offer relieve, and try to manage disease and sickness, but Jesus wants to Heal and Restore.  

This word Restore means to Refresh, Recreate, Quicken or make alive.  Once the Soul is restored the body is healed.  This is an amazing benefit of this wonderful Salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. Lets look at Psalm 103 closely.

v 1 - Bless the Lord, O my soul:  and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

v 2 - Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

Notice here that in these 1st 2 verses, it is talking about the 'Soul'.  We are to Worship the Lord with all our soul.  It is very interesting that it says "all that is within me, bless his holy name" - this is a big key to knowing healing in our bodies.  

You see, sometimes, we can say, do and think things that are not pleasing to God, maybe angry, hurtful, or fearful things.  These things can damage our 'Soul'  especially if left unchecked for a long period of time.  Every one experiences these things in their lives, we all get hurt, disappointed, abused in some way and so many other things.  This is part and parcel of the sinful nature that each person is born with. 

This is where these 2 verses really show us how we can be 'Restored and Healed'.  By Blessing the Lord with all that is within us - allowing the Holy Spirit to wash us and cleanse us from anything that may have caused damage to our 'Soul'.  

When we choose to Bless the Lord - that is to give him the highest place and worship in our hearts, forsaking and repenting of anything that is not pleasing to him and thanking him for his wonderful benefits and allowing his healing power to come and operate in the depths of our 'Soul'.  The Holy Spirit will reveal to us an experience or person that we need to forgive or release and hand over to him.  

Sometimes, he will show us how we have put our trust in something or someone more than in Him.  Whatever the situation may be or issue may have been,  His Grace is enough.  You see, we cannot heal ourselves, Jesus alone is the Healer.  

To really Bless the Lord, we must lay aside everything else and choose to believe and obey his Word and promises and as we pour out our hearts to him, he will come with his mighty power and heal us from the inside out.  

Many times, the Children of God struggle to receive what God has already promised them.  They know that Jesus is the Healer, but sadly so many don't receive. I remember when I was given the diagnosis of Crohn's disease, the Holy Spirit began to do a work in my 'soul' regarding some things that I had experienced and as I repented and asked him to come with his power and fire I knew that something had changed deep inside.  

He revealed somethings to me that I would never have related to being physically ill, but as I allowed him to heal those hurts and wounds - physical healing became evident.  In just a few weeks, the severe symptoms had gone, without medication.  

That is why I am so happy to share my testimony, because I know that Jesus is the Healer of the Broken - and when he restores our 'Soul' healing flows into our bodies.  

Psalm 3 v 3 continues - Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; - by this verse we can break the power of condemnation, all feelings of guilt or shame and declare that because "I am forgiven therefore I am Healed". This is a powerful portion to meditate on and to ask the Holy Spirit to give us a deeper revelation of.

v4 - Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;  who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;  Everything God does he does on purpose and with purpose.  Notice here that he first redeems our life from destruction (that is every evil, hurtful, and negative thing) But also then crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Every Good thing) 

We can bring this into the new covenant by the Words of Jesus in John 10v10 "the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, But I Am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly".  Whatever the enemy is attempting to steal, kill or destroy in your life - Jesus is your Redeemer.

So you may be asking How do I enter into this Restoring and Healing Power?  You must first realise that it is God's will for you to be healed.  It is his will for you to be restored.  

A good place to start is to pray Psalm 51v10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me".  A clean heart is a restored Soul.   

1John 1v9 says "If we confess our sins, he is  faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So we can have confidence that when we confess anything before him he will cleanse us.  We don't have to carry the burden any longer.

Another great prayer is found in Psalm 143v8  "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust.  Cause me to know the way in which I should walk.  For I lift up my soul to you."  In this prayer we are inviting the Holy Spirit to come and do a work deep inside and to lead us gently to restoration and healing day by day.

We can enter into his presence, and allow him to speak to us and over us, by resting in his great love. 

I love this verse in Matthew 11v28-30 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" Jesus is talking here about anything that weighs us down or troubles us in anyway "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;  for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" -

Note that Jesus wants to give you rest for your 'soul' - because he loves you - and he knows that in his rest, healing power will flow to your body. 

"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". He wants us to have his 'lightness' his freedom from everything that would seek to pull us or keep us down. 

Father, in Jesus Name I ask that your children reading this will receive revelation and understanding of these beautiful scriptures and that by the anointing and fire of your Holy Spirit yokes will be destroyed.  I pray that they will be able to fall asleep and find supernatural rest in their body, so that the healing anointing will be poured into their soul to manifest your healing to the deep wounds in their soul and that your resurrection healing power will flow unhindered over their physical body. Amen xx

Please feel free to share with others.  It is good to encourage each other. x Audrey

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eBooks and Paper Back Books also available- at Amazon

Breaking Free from the Fear of Abandonment www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BM3NHDC2

Breaking Free from the Spirit of Heaviness www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08NM5GFKW

Pillars of Fire  www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08P3VDYRC


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