Healing and Deliverance is yours


Psalm 103 is more than just a beautiful psalm, it is full of truth, hope and light of what belongs to every child of God.  Yet I have watched so many of God's Children including myself live outside the reality of these Living Words of Truth.  

Over the last couple of years I have come into a new revelation and reality of this psalm and the benefits of this wonderful Salvation.  It has changed my life as a Christian and has changed and is changing my physical daily life and family.  I have experienced deep healing in my heart and my body, I have also seen the vicious cycles of problems broken. 

I have a great desire to share with you how much God loves you and how much he wants you to experience him in real and liberating ways.

In our kitchen we have a heavy door that opens directly into the garage which we use as a workshop, sometimes a tiny little stone gets lodged under the door and between the floor tiles so that the door gets stuck and just won't move.  Looking down you can't see anything but it's obvious there is something keeping the door from closing. 

The Holy Spirit has been showing me a picture of how this same kind of thing is happening in people's lives through trauma.  Trauma comes in so many different ways to everyone, it is anything that effects our emotions, our physical bodies and creates a hurtful or painful lasting memory.  

Experts say that trauma can happen to us as early as in the mothers womb.  There is an evil spirit that attaches to trauma - this spirit is not concerned about what the trauma or experience is but like a little stone under the door - if not removed - will be like a 'door stop' or 'foot hold' which keeps the spiritual door of our hearts and lives open just enough to invite other forms of fear, sickness, loneliness, depression and an endless list of problems.   

This causes people to feel trapped, a feeling that they can't move forward, no matter how hard they work or try, they seem to be always pulled back or held down.  Because the door is lodged or stuck, it also means that we are limited in our walk of faith and personal walk of Salvation.  It also acts as a block to healing and deliverance.  

The great news of the gospel is that Jesus came to destroy ALL the works of the devil.  His death and resurrection covers everything.  When we receive him as our personal Lord and Saviour we receive access to every benefit of this gift of salvation.  

We were saved by grace through faith, when we believed in our hearts and confessed with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

This spirit which attaches itself to trauma can be removed from your life and that door closed tight to the agents of darkness, allowing your heart to fully open to the wonderful blessings and benefits of your salvation.  You can receive it all - no matter how long it has been - or how weak you think your faith is - or how hopeless you feel.  

The truth is that greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world, Jesus called you FREE the moment you received his gift of Salvation.  Jesus who dwells in you as a believer is greater than any evil spirit or trauma that belongs to your past.

The problem is that if we don't understand or know about something we can't receive it.  I know so many Christians who agree that God CAN heal and that he is able to do miracles but somehow they are just out of reach for them personally.  

The Holy Spirit spoke to me recently that there are no waiting rooms or waiting lists in his kingdom but rather we all have access to come with confidence to his throne of grace.  We are not given a number but we are known by name.  

Many of God's children have fallen for the lie of the enemy that maybe someday God might heal them or somehow God has chosen them to suffer in life. 

I have found such a liberty and lightness in my spirit since being able to simply accept and receive the Word of God and the promises of God just like a free gift.  I used to struggle and was always praying to God for healing and help, when all the time, it already belonged to me as a child of God.

Recently when I was given a negative medical diagnosis of 
Crohn's disease, God spoke to me and said - "take your healing Audrey it is yours". So I did, I started by saying "thank you Lord for healing me", everyday I thanked him that I was delivered from every curse.  I found it in the bible that inflammation and ulcers were included in the curse. I never prayed or asked God to heal me or take it away instead I was able to receive the fact that as a Child of God I am Redeemed from every curse, so all inflammation and ulcers in my body are dead and cannot live.  

I received strength day by day and even though the symptoms were still there and the doctors were telling me how ill I was and how this disease was incurable, I still held unto this fact.  

It was established in my heart and the more I spoke it the more I believed it, until I could see myself free and got the great news from the hospital that they don't know what happened but I don't need any medication or anything that somehow I had recovered.  Praise God.

I kept reminding myself that it's not about believing in the mind but in the heart.  So what I feel, see and hear doesn't change what I know in my heart, that Jesus is my Saviour and my Healer.  As one preacher said "You don't deny that the sickness is there just deny it's right to stay".  Instead of thinking that I would have this disease for the rest of my life, by faith in God's Word, I kept saying "this is only temporary, it can't stay". 

All kinds of healing, deliverance and miracles are freely available for every child of God.

I heard a testimony of a Christian who was really struggling to give up smoking.  He had tried everything, He had received prayer many times, but was never completely free.  He came in desperation to his Pastor and said he was about to give up on his walk with God, he felt a failure and a disappointment, and that God could never use him.  The preacher asked him to do one thing before giving up.  The man thought, more prayer, no thanks it just doesn't work, but the preacher said no I'm not going to pray with you.  All I ask you to do is to begin to say Thank You Lord, I am delivered from smoking Thank You that I am free.  

He instructed him to say it every morning when he woke up, every time he lifted a packet of cigarettes, every time he lit a cigarette, even every time he put a cigarette in his mouth.  The man thought this sounds so foolish - but the Pastor insisted just DO IT.  

A few weeks later the man met the Pastor with a brilliant smile and jumping for joy saying I'm free, I'm free.  He explained how he did what the Pastor had said  and how at first he felt so foolish, but kept on saying it anyway, then one morning he got up and said Thank you Lord, I'm free, and in that moment he knew - that HE WAS FREE completely FREE. The penny had dropped!

You see He was free all along - he just didn't know it.

God loves you so much that he sent his only Son to die for you.  The bible tells us that God put all
 sickness and disease and curses on Jesus.  He paid the price to redeem you, and to set you free.  Maybe you have not been taught about these things, or maybe you know what the bible says but there's something like that little stone under the door - keeping you trapped - whatever it is God's will for you is to experience so much more from him.  

You can have a miracle, you can be healed.

If you are ready to receive what is yours as a child of God today - speak these words out loud.  

I thank you Father God that I am your Child, I thank You  Lord Jesus that you are my Saviour and My Healer.  Because I am your Child I command in Jesus Name everything that has been holding me down or holding me back to leave right now.  Amen.  

Begin from this moment to Thank and Praise Him for setting you free, receiving what is yours. Keep going until you believe in your heart.

It is like putting a penny into a machine and turning the handle until the penny drops.  Keep saying it until the 'penny' drops.  You will know it when it does.

I hear some say "It's not that easy, she doesn't know what its like".  Remember the Devil is a liar and just like you couldn't save yourself, you can't heal yourself.  Jesus saved you and he alone healed you and set you free the same way, when you believe in your heart and confess with you mouth that Jesus IS your Saviour, Jesus IS your Healer and Jesus IS your deliverer.

You might be saying I tried that before, but it didn't work.  Maybe you just gave up too soon or maybe you were trying to close the door when there was something standing in the way.

Open you heart again to the one who loves you and knows you best, ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and to receive.  Read Psalm 103 until it comes alive to you and in your heart.  

You will receive your miracle and then testify to God's great power at work in you. 

I first wrote this blog in December 2019.  I thought I would share it again, as it still stands true 3 years later.  I recently had a conversation with the Consultant from the hospital, and he still can't explain or understand how I am healed.  I am symptom free and don't take any medication.  All Praise To My Jesus.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

x Audrey


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eBooks and Paper Back Books also available- at Amazon       

Breaking Free from the Fear of Abandonment www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BM3NHDC2

Breaking Free from the Spirit of Heaviness www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08NM5GFKW

Pillars of Fire  www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08P3VDYRC


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