Grace for Divine Protection - Bible Study notes


Grace for Divine Protection

Continuing our Bible Study from the Book of Ezra.

Chapter 8 tells us about the exiles who returned to Jerusalem with Ezra and their journey.

Before Ezra and the rest of the exiles began their journey back to Jerusalem, it is interesting in verse 15, that 'not one Levite had volunteered to come along".  verse 17, Ezra asked "send us ministers for the Temple of God at Jerusalem.

I am reminded of what Jesus said in Luke 10 v 2 "The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."

I believe this is the same instruction for every generation.  Pray to the Lord “SEND more workers”!  

In every generation, there must be those who are SENT.  

Not just those who have a vision, a message, or a calling but those who are SENT out from God's presence, those who are filled with his Word and his Spirit, those who have been SENT to reach their own generation with fresh oil and fresh bread.  The Levites, where assigned to minister in the temple, under the old covenant.  But in this new covenant, the servants and ministers of this new covenant are those who are separated from the world and dedicated and committed unto the Lord.  They have discovered that their greatest ministry is to wait upon the Lord and to serve him, in the beauty of his holiness, soaked in the fragrance of his presence, cleansed with the Word and filled with his Holy Spirit, those who are being made his ministers of fire.

Few are willing to 'wait' on the Lord, they are too busy working for the Lord, that they have no time to wait until they have been SENT.  Jesus commanded his disciples to GO, into the entire world, but then he commanded them to WAIT or tarry, UNTIL they are ENDUED with power. Then in Acts 1 v 8 - "You shall receive power AFTER that the Holy Ghost has come unto you and you will be witnesses unto me".  

Could it be that there are many 'workers' but not many 'WITNESSESES'? 

Each generation needs those who will be SENT (witnesses) - pray for yourself, your brothers and sisters in the Lord, for the grace to be SENT to this generation.  

Chapter 8 v 21 - Ezra said "I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God.  We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we travelled."

Prayer and fasting is NOT just an Old Covenant tradition.  Many have abandoned prayer and fasting as something we are no longer required to do.  BUT it is a spiritual law.  I am not going to discuss this today, maybe in another bible study.  But, remember, prayer and fasting is not to make God do something BUT it is the best way to align yourself with God and his Will.  Setting aside the natural things and feasting on the spiritual food.  Only, those who have given themselves to a lifestyle of prayer and fasting can truly say, what a difference it makes in their lives.  

Chapter 8 v 22 - Ezra said "For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way.  After all, we had told the king, "Our God's hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him."

This verse is what stands out the most to me, I am struck with the importance of staying true to our testimony.  Ezra knew where his help came from and he understood that God will not give his glory to another.

This shows his strong conviction that God is God, and that his Word endures forever.  In the previous chapter, we saw that Ezra had favour with the king, so he could have asked for protection, and the king would have given it.  But Ezra choose to ask God, putting his trust in God alone.

This Grace for Divine Protection, is another dimension of God's Amazing Grace, made available to every Child of God, who walks according to God's plan and purposes.  Thank God, there is a level of protection for the children of God, called 'mercy' so that even when we get things wrong, he gives us time to repent, and always offers a way of escape.  BUT this Grace for DIVINE PROTECTION - is for those who walk in the path that God has called them to walk.  When we stay on that path, NO MATTER WHAT - God's gracious hand will be with us.  

Many Christians suffer loss and different types of attack, because they have NOT understood this principle.  While others, are kept safe through the attacks or delivered from them as they continue to trust the Lord with all their heart and remain obedient and fixed on what God has called them to.  

Verse 31 says "and the gracious hand of our God protected us and saved us from enemies and bandits along the way. v.32 So we arrived safely in Jerusalem, where we rested for three days.

This lets us know that there were enemies and bandits along the way.  The attack on someone's life is not evidence of God's love OR judgement - but how they come out or through that attack is the evidence of God's Grace upon their lives.  When you see people suffer loss or attacks, NEVER judge, but pray.  Only God knows, if it is because of the persons unfaithfulness OR their faithfulness!

God's Divine Protection is not a magic force field that exempts his children from every attack.  We cannot be separated from his love, but we can get our eyes lifted of him and drift of track, making wrong decisions or putting our trust in other people or things, shutting ourselves of from his divine protection.

Ezra was ashamed to ask the king for help, BUT he was NOT ashamed to ask God.  That is my message to you today, whether you have made some bad choices or you are pressing into becoming the person God has called you to be - NEVER hesitate to ask God for his help. 

Hebrews 4 v 16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need".

Meditate on these scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the importance of staying in His Will, walking in obedience, abiding under the shadow of his wings, and making God your only refuge and strength.

Knowing that whatever God has called you to do, he provides the Grace for divine favour, provision and protection.

Psalm 34 v 7-9            Psalm 46 v 1                Deut. 31 v 6

1 Cor. 10 v 1-33          2 Thess. 3 v 1-5           Proverbs 2 v 1-11

Proverbs 4 v 4-7          Psalm 5 v 1-12            Psalm 20 v 1-9

Psalm 57 v 1-11          Psalm 138 v 1 -8        2 Cor. 4 v 1-18

2 Sam. 22 v 3-4           2 Thess. 3 v 3-5           Psalm 121

Psalm 91                      Ephes. 6 v 10-18

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