Ezra 6 v 22 Then they celebrated the Festival of Unleavened Bread for seven days.  There was great joy throughout the land because the LORD had caused the King of Assyria to be favourable to them, so that he helped them to rebuild the Temple of God, the God of Israel.

Last time, we looked at Blessed to BE a blessing.  Now we will look at the FAVOUR needed to fulfill your God given destiny.

READ Ezra chapter 7

some verses to take careful note of ;  v.6.  v 10.  v.14.  v.20. v 27 - 28.

NOTES;  This probably took place about 50 years after the temple was rebuilt.  Ezra was the 16th Grandson of the High Priest Aaron.  Ezra was a scribe, which means he was a student of the Law of God. He had given himself to Study, Obey and to Teach the Law of God to the people. The Book of Ezra teaches us that when we find our God Given Purpose, and give ourselves to DO it, He will give us favour in the sight of men. (believers and unbelievers).  Some preachers will refer to this as the ministry of men or destiny helpers.  This teaches us the importance of a Godly Character.  

The definition given for GRACE is the unmerited favour of God.  

Once we are Born Again, we now have access to different dimensions of his GRACE.  The grace for favour, is another gift of God, made available to every child of God, who will seek for it. (But please don't think that you can earn it - the condition is saying YES LORD, I will give my life to DO what you have called me to do - it is not about what that calling is - but the heart of obedience to say YES LORD)

Amazing Grace being the GIFT of SALVATION, is made available to us through Jesus Christ.  There is nothing, we could do to earn this gift of GRACE or pay for it.  This is the foundation of our relationship with Father God.  We must seek to understand this GRACE to its fullness.  This gift is available to every one - but only those who say YES LORD, with their whole heart and soul will enter in and experience it.

Once we begin to explore the Kingdom of God, we will quickly find out that we cannot achieve anything worthwhile without his divine assistance (His GRACE).  This is where we must seek, spiritual understanding to discern the different dimensions of his grace – his divine assistance – that are made available to us. No matter what your calling or purpose in life is, God is looking for the heart that continues to say YES LORD.

This is where, it gets personal, Father God has sent you to do his divine purpose, and he has also made available every grace and assistance that you will ever need to fulfill HIS PURPOSE.

As the purposes differ so do the graces.

For example, when my children were young, I was struggling on my own, to care for and provide for my 4 children.  UNTIL - one day, my Dad said "Audrey, don't you know that the same anointing (GRACE - ASSISTANCE) that is available to you for ministry, is also available to be a mother, and to run your business".  This was life changing for me, I had learned to rely on the Holy Spirit for ministry, and that part of my life, was flowing with ease, but I had not realised that the same Holy Spirit, wanted to help and assist me in every area of my life. What a difference it makes, when we acknowledge the Lord in ALL our ways. (Proverbs 3 v 5-6)

We see in the above scripture that the Jews were able to finish rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.  Although this was God’s plan and purpose, he fulfilled his promise through men.  (men who had no covenant with God - but they had 'legal authority' in that season and territory).

This is a mystery and a principle we must seek to understand.  God blesses men through men.  This is God’s plan.  (this is a spiritual law - whatever you need (resources) - already exists on this earth - it is either hidden waiting to be discovered - OR - someone holds the key to it) We need the eyes of faith and the Spirit of Wisdom and the heart to say YES LORD.

We can take note that the LORD had caused the King of Assyria to be favourable to them.  We see that God blessed these Jews through this gentile king.  We cannot simply brush over this statement, because we will require this same favour in our lives to finish the work he has given us to DO. 

This is where many of God’s children miss out on getting their prayers answered.  They are waiting on God’s mighty hand to reach down  magically from heaven to move things and fix things on their behalf, regardless of who is for them or against them, or their own growth of character (the growth of character that God is looking for, is a heart that is willing to say YES LORD) Never fall into the trap that God can't use you because you are not good enough.  He already knows your not good or strong enough in your own strength, that is why he offers his divine assistance.  

As much as it is very true, that Salvation is FREE to us, it was actually very costly.  The gift of salvation cost Jesus everything.  Through his death, resurrection and ascension we are benefactors of his amazing love and grace, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  REMEMBER – this is only the beginning of our new life.

This new life in Christ, is a journey of discovery, learning and growing in his grace and mercy.  There are many dimensions of his grace, but the one that we are going to look at today is the GRACE for FAVOUR.

There is a GRACE for FAVOUR to complete the WORK that God has given us to do.  

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand, we CANNOT WORK for our Salvation, but that we are saved unto GOOD WORKS.  Those good works are not religious acts, but are fulfilling the plans and purposes that God has given to us to DO. (as we DO - what God has called us to DO - we are not earning his grace, but we are entering into it the same way we entered into Salvation - with a heart that says YES LORD, by acknowledging our weaknesses and receiving HIS STRENGTH).

Ephesians 2 v 10

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

This one scripture sums up the 2 main dimensions of the Gospel. 

1.       1.    how  - we are brought into his family

2.      2.     why -  to do the works he has planned for us to do within his Kingdom.

No matter what we are called to do, we require his divine assistance and favour. This favour is provided through the Holy Spirit and the Word working in our lives and the ministry of men.  (This makes isolation a very dangerous place to be).  

Most preachers focus on the HOW and forget about the WHY!

According to this verse in Ephesians, we can conclude that the WHY of salvation is not just about going to heaven but the WHY is directly connected to DOING the good works which God prepared in advance for us TO DO. (OUR GOD GIVEN PURPOSE)

We are not all called to preach the Gospel by standing on a pulpit, but no matter what God has given us TO DO, we ALL must seek to reveal Jesus and glorify the Father in everything we DO. (God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance - he is looking for the heart that is devoted to him - so that in all we DO - he will be glorified).

The Grace for Favour is not the same thing as good luck.  It is not by accident.

Three times we read in Ezra chapter 7 “the gracious hand of his God was upon him”.  Notice it was the Gracious hand of HIS God, this grace for favour is available for those who belong to God.

In verse 10, it clearly tells us that this was because Ezra had determined (he had made up his mind - with his whole heart he had said YES LORD) to study and obey the Law of the LORD and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel.

Ezra, had discovered his purpose within God’s Kingdom, even though he was still in exile and in a foreign land.  He was being obedient so therefore had favour with the King, because Ezra had learned how to show honour and respect.  Ezra, was committed to God’s ways, and thus had found God’s favour to finish the task given to him.

In this kingdom it matters who likes you.  The bible teaches us that Samuel, and Jesus grew in favour with GOD and MAN. When we study the life of David, we see he understood how to show honour and respect. This is a bible principle. It is never fitting for a child of God to complain, judge or disrespect others.   Those people and things we complain about, will never come to us, but we will be pushing them away.  Envy and strife are very dangerous attitudes. If you don't believe me, study what happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness.

Just imagine for a moment, that Ezra, had set himself to study God’s Word but had neglected to show honour and respect to the king of the land as God had commanded? (according to last weeks bible study).   Do you think that the King would have shown such great favour? 

There is wisdom and order to everything in God’s Kingdom.  As we seek to discover our individual purposes, we must also seek to have the ‘character’ and ‘mind’ of Christ.  We represent God, who loves all men and desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

When we begin to understand the principles of God’s Kingdom and our place in his Kingdom purpose, everything will begin to work together for our good. (Romans 8v28)

Jesus told us that the world hated him and it would hate us also.  We must have discernment in these days.  Men are blinded by the prince of this world, but remember these are the very same men Jesus came to save.  Some may hate us, but we are called to love all men.  (Don't focus on who doesn't like you, remember - there are always more that stand with you than against you - 2 Kings 6v16)

There will be many people and things who will try to oppose the purpose of God in your life, but as you are yielded to him, he will always have someone to show you favour. Remember that there is a difference in pleasing men, and showing godly respect and love.  We are called to please God NOT men.  We represent our Lord and King, therefore we must understand, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6v12)

Word Study

HONOUR - 1. high respect;  great esteem, to give special recognition. 2. the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.

Honour is the seed for favour (Proverbs 3 v 3-4 - "Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder.  Write them deep within your heart.  THEN you will find favour with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.

Can you think of other examples in the bible of when God showed favour through men to his children in order to fulfill his purposes?


Lord, grant me your wisdom, to know your plans and purposes.  Help me to love others, and give me discernment to recognise and acknowledge the destiny helpers you have sent into my life.

Some scriptures to meditate on.

Psalm 5 v 12 “For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favour as with a shield.”

Psalm 90 v 17 “Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”

Psalm 84 v11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour.  No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.”

2 Corinthians 9 v 8 “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

The RIGHTEOUS are those who have been redeemed by Christ Jesus.  We are MADE and called  RIGHTEOUS by the OBEDIENCE of JESUS.

The UPRIGHT - are those who DO what is right. SO we are called UPRIGHT by our OBEDIENCE. (our obedience is having the same mind and attitude of Jesus - a heart that is willing to say YES LORD). 

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