
Showing posts from November, 2022

God's Prescription

  God’s Prescription This is a chapter from my new Book - "Breaking Limitations".   People have been asking me “what did you do and what scriptures did God give you?”    I am very careful not to make God’s prescription for me something that is for everyone, remember what I needed may not be the same as what you need.   It is very important for you to ask the Holy Spirit for your personal prescription.   Just as a starting point, or a guide to help you understand more clearly, I will share the scriptures that I meditated on and how and what the Holy Spirit spoke to me. I like to set a 30-day challenge as I find it helps me to keep focused.   Also, over 30 days of meditating (or medicating as I like to think of it) on the same scriptures, we gain so much more insight and revelation truth.   Most times, people are reading the bible, a little here and a little there, and are not receiving the deep revelation that takes us beyond knowledge a...

Grace and Peace Multiplied

  Jesus Said -  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,  that  shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 16v13 "While praying I heard these words on the 4th January 2021 Many have been discouraged and distracted but I say unto you that my grace shall be multiplied on those who will not give into these lies of the enemy.   But will stand on my Word, will plant their feet in my Word and fix their eyes on me.     I have promised that what I said I will do and  I am well able to do.   What I have put in the hearts of my people, I am well able to keep.   Many have let go of my promises and are fallen prey to doubt and fear and can no longer hear my voice or feel my presence – they have been overcome with the veil of discouragement but I have my eyes on those who have not given in but have kept my Word before their eyes...

He Restores My Soul

  He Restores my Soul Psalm 23 v 3  - He restoreth my soul;  he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake. When Jesus came to t he earth to die on the cross, he came to save us from the sinful fallen nature of mankind - every one is born into this world spiritually dead, that is, cut of and separated from the Father of Creation because of sin.     Praise God, that he sent his only begotten Son, who became the Lamb of God to take our place on the cross, to pay the price of punishment for our sinful nature so that we could be adopted into his family and become the children of God.   Our Spirits were dead in sin, but once we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our Spirits were Born Again - that is made alive, connected again to God, the giver of all life.   It is so important to realise and know that our Spirits were not healed - but made alive - Born Again - and therefore they are perfect before the Father because ...

The Lord is Close to the Brokenhearted

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted Psalm 34 v 18 " The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;  he rescues those whose spirits are crushed". I'm sure you have probably heard this scripture many times.  I have used it many times trying to bring comfort to those who are going through difficult situations, but over the last few years this scripture and all of Psalm 34 has become very real to me but in a very different understanding, not just as a comfort but it has become more a strength and a personal testimony. I will try to explain, as simply as I can.  I know that God is very near to all, as many Preachers and Teachers will remind us that he is only a prayer away. And that anyone who calls on his name shall be saved.  And I believe that when we are broken hearted and going through very difficult times that his love is so great that he is patiently and lovingly waiting for us to call out to him, for he is more willing to help us than we are ready and willing to be he...